So, I've been looking around in the past so, I wanted to share the game that inspired all the characters in my doodles... (Haha, yes they did.)
This is the link from the popup mode in newgrounds. This game programmed by Tom Fulp, Artwork by DanPaladin, and the catchy Music by Dustball. I've beaten this game for like, 1000000+ times, so I'll give you a few tips.
When fighting a Boss, (ex. Wilbur, The Ninjas, Sunchips) Use this kind of move I discovered while fighting Sunchips.
First, you have to make SkullKid run first at him, then hit S. Continue pressing S while holding the arrow key. That should make him lift up the enemy off the air and punching him repeatedly.
If you want to beat up the kids (normal kids) quickly, here's a quick trick. while attacking a kid, hit A repeatedly until he uses his head to hit the kid. Then press S about 3 times, after that quick combo trick, the kid will end up behind you, but dead! (quick, huh?) You can also use that on the heavy bosses, like Sunchips and Wilbur. But it won't kill them instantly.
Some players say, that when they reach the 4 wheeler part, they are having a hard time beating the kids up. But I know a weapon to use against them.
If you reach the Soccer game part, get the ball, (you can get the basketball if you want) save it every time you stop at a level. At the 4 wheeler part, the first kid ambushes you from behind, so you have to quickly turn around and hit A or S.
Do the same against the other kid.
You can save the ball until the end. One of the Ninjas in the last level before Sunchips will ambush you from behind, so I suggest you save it until the last boss round. Besides, It will come in handy with Sunchips, because he's got a gun.
After the part of the playground (the scene with the swing) There is an interactive soccer game. But you can't side on both teams- when you get the ball they kick you off and get the ball. Hey, you can beat them up.
Here's a summary of the game scenes and bosses you'll encounter once you play the game.
1. The first kid you will encounter is Marcus, alone in the sandbox. If you punch hard and quick enough, you might get a Rage. Plus, you can step on the sand castle he made, and watch him cry!!
2. When you enter the main playground, you're gonna meet Wilbur, the big Flathead bully. He's slow, but he can hit like a tank. you can throw the gas tanks on him, but it's better to beat him in a brute fight rather than throw the tanks at him. There are two kids there, Tommy and Danny. If you lose your Rage there, beat them up quick and you'll get it back.
3. The second part is the swing. There's a kid there named Ronald. He wears a helmet so he can ram you off. To beat him quickly, wait for him to turn around, then run, and start beating him up like you beat up a normal kid.
4. Soccer part. You can either play or beat the heck out of those kids.
5. There are two scenes in this part. The first part is the four scout kids standing on the side of the road. You have to hit them to make them move. But there are passing cars on the road- get hit and you might lose your Rage. The second part is across the road. Then there is James, a kid who will shoot you with rubber arrows with his toy gun. You can either use the nearby lawnmower and throw it at him, or beat him.
6. The basketball. There's a quick Mini-game there, whenever you hit A or S (or together) Skullkid will shoot the basketball on the hoop, if you have it. There are three kids there, and they are all plain normal kids.
7. After the 4 wheeler part, you'll come across a huge horde of plain kids. I suggest you run to the end until the progress stops. Then go beat the crap out of everyone.
8. This is the Ninja part. When you kept the ball all the way from the start, use it against them. If you didn't, Use the kerosene bomb nearby and throw it once you see the 4 wheeler.